
Dachs, G. . (2020). Time for a Re-Set: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: New approaches to an enduring conflict” . Eight Germany-Israel Strategic Forum 2020. Online: Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik; Forum of Strategic Dialogue, ELNET, Hanns Seidel Stiftung. Retrieved from Publisher's Version
Dachs, G. . (2020). Virtual Belonging(s): Transnational Media Practices among German and Austrian Immigrants in Israel. German Studies Review, 43(3), 553-570.Abstract
Similar to other immigrants in Israel, Jews from Germany and Austria tend to maintain contact with their former homelands through the media. Reasons for viewing cable television and/or reading digital newspapers from the country of origin include linguistic, cultural, and emotional reasons, as well as the wish to stay connected with family and friends left behind or to reconnect after years of distance. This article examines the various affiliations of immigrants from Germany and Austria through their transnational media use. In the context of multiple belongings, this practice allows for the cultivation of different forms of attachments related to the country of origin from afar, even though the relationship to Germany and Austria is still overshadowed by the past and often remains profoundly ambivalent.
מצר, יעקב (קובי (Ed.). (2019). למרות הכול.. אהרן מנצ'ר ונוער יהודי וינה-טרזיינשטאט (1938--1943) (p. 188). ירושלים: מאגנס.תקציר
אהרן מנצ'ר (1917—1943) היה חבר ומדריך בתנועת גורדוניה בווינה. עם הרחבת מפעל עליית הנוער לאוסטריה, לאחר סיפוחה לגרמניה הנאצית במארס 1938, היה מנצ'ר לאחד מפעיליו המרכזיים. החלטתו להשעות את עלייתו לארץ ישראל, כדי להמשיך לטפל בהוצאתם של בני הנוער מאוסטריה, הביאה בספטמבר 1939 למינויו למנהל עליית הנוער בווינה ולאחראי על תנועות הנוער הציוניות בעיר. התגייסותו המוחלטת לעבודתו ויוזמתו להפוך את בית הספר של עליית הנוער לבית של פעילות חינוכית וחברתית עשו את מנצ'ר לדמות מובילה במאמצים לחלץ ילדים ובני נוער יהודים מאוסטריה ולמנהיגם של אלה אשר נותרו בעיר. את עבודתו החינוכית הוא המשיך בגטו טרזיינשטאט, שאליו גורש בספטמבר 1942. באוקטובר 1943 שולח מנצ'ר לבירקנאו עם קבוצה של 1,196 ילדים יהודים שהובאה לגטו מביאליסטוק ועם 52 המדריכים שהתנדבו, כמוהו, לטפל בהם. כולם נרצחו שם.
דמותו של אהרן מנצ'ר ופועלו הם ליבת הספר. חלק מהמאמרים הכלולים בו עוסקים בתמונת הרקע – מדיניות הנישול והלחץ להוצאת היהודים מאוסטריה, שנקטו השלטונות הנאציים טרם השמדה, והמאמצים שעשו עליית הנוער וגורמים יהודיים אחרים, ציבורים ופרטיים, כדי למלטם. הספר מבוסס על גרסת המקור בגרמנית שיצאה לאור בווינה ב-2013 בעריכתם של יואנה ניטנברג ובנימין קאופמן.
לספר בגרסתו העברית שנערכה ע"י יעקב (קובי) מצר נוספו שני חלקים חדשים. האחד הוא פרק מבוא מקיף הבוחן את פועלו של מנצ'ר תוך התייחסות לסוגיות כלליות העולות מספרות המחקר. החלק השני הוא מקורות מן הארכיון שצורפו לספר לשם הארה והמחשה של חלק מהנושאים הנידונים בו. 
Shoval, N. (Ed.). (2018). Urban Planning and Tourism in European Cities: Overtourism, Placemaking and Heritage. The European Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved from Publisher's VersionAbstract

This special issue bridges the existing gap in the tourism and urban literature regarding planning and tourism in European cities and investigates the interrelationship between urban planning and tourism and its evolvement and transition over time. It includes nine articles that focus on different cases of urban planning and tourism in European cities. All the cities presented in this special issue function as capital cities, therefore they were designed and planned to represent the nation to itself and to the world for incoming tourists. As a result, all those cities are endowed with monumental city planning and architecture, they have abundance of cultural institutions and monuments thus raising questions about the choice and type of the representation of heritage arise. In addition of being capitals, those cities are also places where ordinary people live and with the growing intensity and volume of tourism, questions of social and economic carrying capacity arises; some of the articles reflect on those growing concerns. The cities chosen to this special issue are: Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Barcelona, Lisbon, Prague, Budapest, Skopje (and several additional cities in Macedonia). Those cities represent a balanced geographic distribution of cities in the European continent from East to West and North to South.

The conference was organized in cooperation with MODUL University Vienna and it received generous support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

Intertextuality, Hermeneutics and Textual Genetics: Edmond Jabès´ The Book of Questions
Frank-Wygoda, T. . (2016). Intertextuality, Hermeneutics and Textual Genetics: Edmond Jabès´ The Book of Questions. frank-wygoda_for_web.pdf
רישומים משליחותי כשגריר ישראל באוסטריה, סלובניה וסלוניקי: אוגוסט 1993 - דצמבר 1995
גוברין, יוסף. (2016). רישומים משליחותי כשגריר ישראל באוסטריה, סלובניה וסלוניקי: אוגוסט 1993 - דצמבר 1995 (p. 248). ירושלים: הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס האוניברסיטה העברית.
Freud, Religion, and Messianism
Sharvit, G. . (2015). Freud, Religion, and Messianism.Abstract

This paper (1) seeks to address Freud’s early theory of religion and to uncover its basic antieschatological structure. I argue that Freud identified in Totem and Taboo (1913) a fundamental religious impulse, at the infrastructure of human history, which commits history to constant struggle between guilt and rebelliousness. This impulse, the product of the murder of the primal father, prevents, in the Freudian formulation, the fulfillment of the ideal of reason within history. Compared with German Idealism theories of history and nature, Freud’s theory of religion subverts the organizing structure and purposeful causality of historical progress, and hinders all hopes for a Hegelian End of History. Freud’s anti-messianic theory of religion thus not only negates the eschatological vision of German philosophy, but allows for political action by rejecting hopes for transcendental salvation. If Freud’s critique of religion usually assigns Freud to the tradition of Kant and Hegel, the proposed reading of Freud’s theory of religion establishes his place in counter-Enlightenment philosophy, alongside Nietzsche and Heidegger.

(1) The author would like to thank the Center for Austrian Studies, European Forum at the Hebrew University and the City of Vienna for the generous financial support which made this paper possible, and Prof. Christoph Schmidt for his careful reading of the manuscript and his illuminating and valuable suggestions.

Mesmerism, Hypnosis and Jewish Mystics in Vienna in the Early Twentieth Century
of Daniel Reiser, D. J. T. . (2015). Mesmerism, Hypnosis and Jewish Mystics in Vienna in the Early Twentieth Century. daniel_reiser_for_web.pdf
Muslim Youths in Germany and the Question of Israel-Directed Antisemitism
H. Julia Eksner, G. S. . (2015). Muslim Youths in Germany and the Question of Israel-Directed Antisemitism. h_julia_eksner_for_web.pdf
Antoine Doinel’s Spleen: Truffaut Misreads Baudelaire
of and Achinoam Ester Berger, D. G. C. L. . (2015). Antoine Doinel’s Spleen: Truffaut Misreads Baudelaire.Abstract

This essay examines the intertextual dialogue between François Truffaut’s cycle of autobiographical films, known as the Doinel cycle, and Charles Baudelaire’s collection of poems The Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs du mal), and collection of prose poems The Spleen of Paris (Le Spleen de Paris: Petits poèmes en prose). The focal point is the fourth Doinel film, Bed and Board (Domicile Conjugal, 1970), and the poem “Spleen IV” in The Flowers of Evil. By applying Aner Preminger’s (Preminger: 2006) cinematic adaptation of Harold Bloom’s “anxiety of influence” theory (Bloom: 1973) and “misreading” concept (Bloom: 1975), I argue that the explicit and implicit references to Baudelaire are not a homage, i.e. a mere expression of admiration, but a complex and multilayered misreading, which encompasses the dual movement of admiration, as well as rebellion, towards the forefather. The wrestle with Baudelaire is a significant milestone in Truffaut’s journey towards finding his own voice on the one hand, and towards establishing his position as an important (re)former of modernist cinema on the other. Furthermore, along with a considerable contribution to thematic interpretation of Truffaut’s film(s), the misreading of Baudelaire is distinctly important as it reveals that Truffaut’s cinema is rooted in poetry, as, and perhaps even more than, it is rooted in prose fiction. On a larger scale, this suggests that the cinematic medium corresponds to the hybrid genre of prose poetry

A Single Market in Healthcare Services by Stealth?
of Dr. Lior Herman, D. I. R. . (2015). A Single Market in Healthcare Services by Stealth?.Abstract

Member States have up to now been reluctant to extend the Single Market sphere to the healthcare service trade, despite indications that market forces are at play. Forming part of a wider project on the construction of markets in Europe, this paper explores whether market integration is taking place in healthcare services from a narrow trade perspective. Applying an analysis based on measuring trade through the four modes of service supply, the paper finds that an internal market is gradually being formed within different layers of healthcare services provision, and to a higher degree than political developments at EU level would lead us to expect.

Perspectives of Otherness: Muslims in Europe between Assimilation and Polarization
Shiri Relevy, E. S. . (2015). Perspectives of Otherness: Muslims in Europe between Assimilation and Polarization. shiri_relevy_for_web.pdf
The European Union as a Social Actor? An Analysis of Social Protection in the EU’s Electricity Sector
of Hanan Haber, The Federmann School of Public Policy, T. H. U. J. . (2015). The European Union as a Social Actor? An Analysis of Social Protection in the EU’s Electricity Sector.Abstract

Social regulation at the EU level is on the increase at least when it comes to the electricity sector and following the gradual liberalization of the sector. This paper asks how and for what reasons social protection of vulnerable consumers has been introduced into the process, focusing on the period between the second and third directives on electricity sector liberalization (2005-2009). In this period these protections grew substantially, gaining a more binding and a more transnational nature, a process led by the Commission and the European Parliament. This development runs counter to our understanding of the electricity sector reform in the EU as focused primarily on the creation of open competitive markets. The paper argues that the introduction of protection of vulnerable consumers in the electricity sector reform facilitates (rather than hinders) the process of economic reform, by adding political and democratic legitimacy to the liberalization process. It asserts that adding social protection to economic reform in this case is instructive regarding the development of the EU as a regulatory state and the regulatory state more generally. Economic reform and economic regulation create the conditions for, and require, more social protection and social regulation. Separating the social and economic spheres may seem like an economically efficient strategy, but may ultimately have the opposite effect.

Anselm Kiefer / Ingeborg Bachmann: Visual Translation of Poetic Figuration
of Noga Stiassny, DAAD Center for German Studies, T. H. U. J. . (2015). Anselm Kiefer / Ingeborg Bachmann: Visual Translation of Poetic Figuration. noga_stiassny_for_web.pdf
Ginio, E., & Kaser, K. (Eds.). (2013). Ottoman Legacies in the Contemporary Mediterranean: The Balkans and the Middle East Compared. Jerusalem: The European Forum at the Hebrew University.Abstract
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. 1
Introduction: Towards a Comparative Study of the
Balkans and the Middle East ............................................................................... 3
The Ottoman Balkans and the Middle East Compared:
How Might This Be Accomplished? ................................................................. 23
Visual Studies: Their Potential for the Comparative Study
of the Late Ottoman Empire .............................................................................. 41
History against Geography: Should We Always Think
of the Balkans as Part of Europe? ..................................................................... 59
Kosova: The Building Process of a Territory from the
Nineteenth to The Twenty-First Century........................................................... 79
Beyond National Historiographies:
Reflections on the Ottoman Background of Proto-Zionist-Arab
Encounters in Fin de Siècle Nineteenth-Century Palestine ............................... 93
The Empire’s Forgotten Children:Understanding the Path
from Ottomanism to Titoism in Muslim Macedonia, 1912-1953 .................... 119
Perceptions of Hamidian Legacies: An Institutional Analysis
of the Legacy of the Hamidian Caliphate ........................................................ 147
Between Middle Eastern Heterodoxy, Indigenization
and Modern Shi'ism: Competing Identities among the Balkan Alevi
and Bektashi Communities in the post-Ottoman Period ................................. 163
Salonica and Beirut: The Reshaping of Two Ottoman Cities
of the Eastern Mediterranean ........................................................................... 189
Interpretations of the Ottoman Urban Legacy in the
National Capital Building of Sofia (1878-1940) ............................................. 209
Dismantling the Ottoman Heritage? – The Evolution of Bucharest
in the 19th Century .......................................................................................... 231
Istanbul’s Pasts: Raw Material for Constructing the City’s Future ................. 255
History as a Public Claim and the Role of the Historian:
Two Recent Debates Regarding the Ottoman Past in Greece and Bulgaria .... 287
The Kircali Time as Metonymy: History as Emotion ..................................... 311
The Uprootedness as an Ethnic Marker and the Introduction of
Asia Minor as an Imaginary Topos in Greek Films ......................................... 335
NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS ...................................................................... 357
INDEX ..............................................................................................................361
ottoman_legacies_table_of_content_and_introduction.pdf ginio_and_kaser_introduction.pdf amy_singer_the_ottoman_balkans_and_the_middle_east_compared.pdf karl_kaser_visual_studies.pdf alexander_vezenkov_history_against_geography.pdf nathalie_clayer_kosova.pdf yuval_ben_bassat_beyond_national_historiographies.pdf ryan_gingeras_the_empires_forgotten_children.pdf justin_hoyle_and_paul_williams_perceptions_of_hamidian_legacies.pdf yuri_stoyanov_between_middle_eastern_heterodoxy.pdf paul_dumont_salonica_and_beirut.pdf elitza_stanoeva_interpretations_of_the_ottoman_urban.pdf emanuela_costantini_dismantling_the_ottoman_heritage.pdf malte_fuhrmann_istanbuls_pasts.pdf vangelis_kechriotis_history_as_a_public_claim.pdf gergana_georgieva_the_kircali_time_as_metonymy.pdf yannis_papadopoulos_uprootedness_as_an_ethnic_marker.pdf notes_on_contributors.pdf index.pdf
Ben-Meir, K. . (2009). Dialectics of Redemption - Anselm Kiefer´s The Angel of Histry: Poppy and Memory.Abstract
In this research I examine the manner in which the German artist Anselm Kiefer perceives modernity and progress, and issues such as history and memory. I use his 1989 piece The Angel of History: Poppy and Remembrance as a case study. As its title alludes, Kiefer’s work responds to Walter Benjamin’s Theses on the Philosophy of History, and especially to paragraph IX. According to Benjamin, historical redemption is the process of redeeming the suppressed from amnesia, and their return to the foreground of historical writing and memory. These are the issues that Kiefer deals with in his art. His angel is no longer a spiritual being, but rather a morbid lead airplane unable to fly. His inability to fly is the product of modernity – of industrialism, war and Shoah.