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PhD at the European Forum


A candidate for PhD studies may apply for resarch studies, if the following conditions are met:

(a) The candidate holds a Master’s Degree from a university in Israel or abroad with is recognized by the Authority for Research Students of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with fthe following grades:

  • Master’s Degree – minimum grade 90;
  • Master’s thesis – minimum grade 90;
  • Master’s final exam – minimum grade 90 (wherever applicable)

(b) The Authority for Research Students finds the candidate adequately prepared to pursue the proposed research.

(c) The proposed research can be carried out at the Hebrew University.

(d) Prior to registration, candidates should find and obtain the written consent of an adviser for their doctoral dissertation in the relevant department.

For detailed information please visit

For information about the program for doctoral students at the Faculty of Social Sciences please visit


Principals, plans, and regulations

The doctoral program at the EF aims at supporting excellent young researchers, who focus their doctoral research on contemporary European affairs broadly defined, through the path of their doctoral studies. The European Forum doctoral studies program provides financial sponsorship — for committed students to fly-high with their research ambitions.

Our doctoral students are offered:

  • excellence scholarships up to 60,000 NIS per year, up to four years;
  • research scholarships;
  • sponsored study-abroad programs at partner institutions;
  • sponsored participation in international conferences;
  • financial support for research travel;
  • scholarships for language studies abroad;
  • designated work space.

Seeing that the European Forum is a multidisciplinary community, with faculty coming from diverse disciplinary background, the European Forum doctoral studies program is designed to meet the educational needs of students whose previous studies, knowledge and experiences are equally diverse. Still, the overarching theme of studies and research must address European matters — European society and European Union, migration and integration, political economy, media, culture and memory, urbanism and inequality, law and rights, and alike topics.

The European Forum doctoral program, like the Masters programs, is organized into two curricular tracks: (a) European Studies, and (b) Contemporary German Studies: Politics, Society and Culture.

To open your imagination to the diversity of topics and agenda studied and researched under the canopy of European Forum at the Hebrew University, here are but very few projects composed by our students:

  • Germany-Israel Relations in the 21st Century: What Motivates the Continuation of the Special Relationship Today?, by Noa Swisa (PhD)
  • Modern Pilgrimage: Representations of Journeys in Contemporary Art, by Yaakov Ben-Meir (PhD)
  • The “Submarine Affair” – German Media Coverage in the Shadow of German-Israeli “Special Relations”, by Assaf Uni (MA)
  • Does Literature Matter? On the Reception of Israeli Literature in Germany after 1989, by Dr. Karin Neuburger (post-doc)
  • Projecting the Orange Lion: A Research into Historical Films in The Netherlands and the National Identity Images They Project, by Jonathan Geiman (MA)
  • "When you have to shoot... shoot! Don't talk"? : A Critical Reading of BVerfGE 115, 118, by Nofar Sheffi (MA)
  • The Development of International Development Policy between the Years 1990-2015 from a Multilateral and National Perspective, by Damian Filut (PhD)

Want to know more?

  • Visit us at the European Forum, rooms 42603/4 at the Humanities buildings on Mt. Scopus.
  • Check out on-line info at
  • Call or email to schedule a consultation session:; 02-5881969/3286/3866.


Program Rules and Regulations

(1) Admissions

(1.1) Applications must include:

  • Application form
  • Transcript of grades, for both Bachelors and Masters studies;
  • Copies of graduation certificates, for both Bachelors and Masters studies;
  • Electronic copy of Master´s thesis;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Preliminary research proposal: essay introducing the agenda of your doctoral research. Understanding that this statement is mostly aspirational, still the essay should articulate the agenda for the planned research: describe general topic and discussions of it to date, identify possible lacunae in current study of the topic, propose research that would enable filling in the gap in current research, as well as briefly add a specific question and a description of methodology — up to three pages;
  • Two letters of reference from faculty members, one of them from your prospective faculty advisor, specifically describing acquaintance with candidate, specifying candidate’s qualities that enable long-term commitment and academic diligence, noting possibility for sponsoring candidate from faculty grants, and commenting on validity of candidate’s research agenda;
  • Letter of confirmation from the prospective faculty advisor.

(1.2) Assessment process:

  • Applications are reviewed and considered by a faculty committee, whose principles highlight excellence of academic record to date (including minimal average grade of 90 for courses and 90 for Masters thesis), promise of the research proposal, relevance of agenda to European and German studies at the doctoral level, and potential for further excellence in of the activities of the European Forum community.
  • Interview with the candidate.

(1.3) Timeline for admissions:

  • Applications must be sent by e-mail to
  • Applications must be completed no later than November 15, 2024 or May 15, 2025.
  • Responses from European Forum shall be mailed no later than a month after the deadline.
  • Formal registration with the Authority for Research Students.

(2) Curricula

(2.1) Doctoral students must participate in study activity of a scope of at least 12 credit points. This supplementary study program shall be approved by the Advisory Committee when approving the research proposal and shall be sent to the Authority for Research Students.

Students may begin to participate in courses with the approval of the supervisor, however, students must take into account that the committee may not necessarily approve each course that is studied in the course of stage A.

(2.2) In spite of the interdisciplinary character of the European Forum, students coming with little or no background in relevant fields may be required to complete supplementary basic courses.

(2.3) European Forum doctoral scholarship recipients are required to:

  • be present at the European Forum at least three days per week – Monday, Wednesday, and another day of your choice.;
  • actively participate in at least 80% of meetings of the year-long European Forum Colloquium;
  • present your research project in at least one international workshop or conference during stage A and another such activity during stage B;
  • participate in other European Forum events, such as EF conferences, guest lectures, student recruitment events, and alike. Doctoral students may also be called upon to serve as formal and informal mentors for MA students.
  • actively participate for at least one year in the doctoral training program offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences.

(3) Grants and sponsorship

(3.1) Doctoral studies grants will be offered to excellent candidates, with conditional commitment for 4 years study.

Conditionality terms draw on academic progress of the students and recommendation of faculty advisor. Students who do not meet such thresholds and are not in good academic standing, at the conclusion of each year, will have their grant terminated; see “Disciplinary regulations”.

(3.2) The European Forum’s doctoral studies grants shall be up to 60,000 NIS per annum. Students may apply for additional grants and fellowships. However, grants are in compliance with the Hebrew University regulations; see “Scholarship regulations”.

(4) Timeline for registration

Timeline for 2024-2025

May 15, 2025


Deadline for submission of candidacy to European Forum

June 15, 2025


Reply from European Forum

July 1, 2025


Deadline for submission of application to HUJI Authority for Research Students

Beginning of academic year 2025-2026 (19.10.2025)


Start of studies