European Forum

Karin Bischof

Dr. Karin Bischof

Former Institutslektor at the Center for Austrian Studies
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Lecturer, Department of Gender Studies, University of Vienna

Karin Bischof received her PhD from the University of Vienna with a thesis on political rhetoric and discriminatory strategies.

Arie Krampf

Dr. Arie Krampf

Former Adjunct Lecturer
Senior Lecturer for International Relations at the School of Government and Society, Tel Aviv Yaffo Academic College
Associate Researcher, Kolleg-Forschergruppe ‘The Transformative Power of Europe’ , the Freie Universität Berlin
Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00
Ina Kubbe

Dr. Ina Kubbe

Adjunct Lecturer
by appointment

Dr Ina Kubbe is a Post-Doctoral Fellow working at the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations at Tel Aviv University, where she mainly researches and teaches on corruption, migration, gender politics and conflict resolution.

Luisa Levi D'Ancona Modena

Dr. Luisa Levi D'Ancona Modena

Research Fellow at the European Forum at the Hebrew University
Dr Luisa Levi D'Ancona Modena holds a PhD from the Trinity Hall College, University of Cambridge, and was an AHRC Research Assistant at the Faculty of History, University of Oxford.
Marion Löffler

Dr. Marion Löffler

Former Visiting Assistant Professor at the Center for Austrian Studies
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Vienna
Room 6244 (Faculty of Humanities)
Dr Marion Löffler is a political scientist with research focus on modern political theories, democracy and parliamentary research as well as gender and politics.