European Forum

Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu

Dr. Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu

Adjunct Lecturer
Monday, 12:30-14:00, or by appointment

Dr Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu is an adjunct lecturer at the European Forum of the Hebrew University; her main areas of research and teaching are the European Union (EU) – history, institutions, decision-making processes, policy fields; EU-Israel relation; differentiated integration.

Karin Stögner

Dr. Karin Stögner

Former Institutslektor at the Center for Austrian Studies
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Innsbruck
Lecturer, Department of Gender Studies, University of Vienna
Room 6224 (Faculty of Humanities Building)
Karin Stoegner received her PhD from the University of Vienna with a thesis on the interrelation between antisemitism and sexism.
Yuval Tal

Dr. Yuval Tal

Room 6216 (Faculty of Humanities Building)
Yuval Tal received his PhD in History from Johns Hopkins University in 2020; his research explores the history of Christians, Muslims, and Jews from across the French Mediterranean within a shared analytical framework.