Postdoctoral Fellow
Martin Buber Society of Fellows, Hebrew University of Jerusalemücking
Mirjam Lücking is an anthropologist, working on contemporary expressions of religion and politics in Indonesia and the Middle East, with ethnographic research on various forms of transnational mobility, such as pilgrimage, tourism, and labor migration. She is currently affiliated with the Martin Buber Society of Fellows at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Selected publications:
- Lücking, Mirjam. 2020/forthcoming. Indonesians and Their Arab World: Guided Mobility Among Labor Migrants and Mecca Pilgrims. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press.
- Lücking, Mirjam. 2019. “Travelling with the Idea of Taking Sides: Indonesian Pilgrimages to Jerusalem.” Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 175 (2-3): 196–224.
- Lücking, Mirjam. 2017. “Working in Mecca. How Informal Pilgrimage-Migration from Madura, Indonesia, to Saudi Arabia Challenges State Sovereignty.” European Journal of East Asian Studies 16 (2): 248–74.
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