Academic CV


The Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, France, Diplômes d´Etudes Universitaires  Générales (D.E.U.G.).


The Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, France, Licence (B.A.) in Modern French Literature.


The Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, France, Maîtrise (M.A.) in Multimedia,
Thesis Title: ´La France vue à travers la presse allemande´.


Lecturer, Department of Communication, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.

2012 Research grant for outstanding students at Tel Aviv University.


PHD, Tel Aviv University, Department of Communications.
Supervisor: Prof. Jérôme Bourdon.
Thesis Title: ´Games of Mirrors: News Media Consumption and Identity Negotiation among Jewish Immigrants in Israel´.

2017-2018 Senior Lecturer at the Tel Aviv University at the interdisciplinary Master’s program in Global Migration and Policy.
2016-2020 Senior lecturer at the DAAD Center for German Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2020-2023 Associate Professor at the DAAD Center for German Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Since 2023 Full Professor at the DAAD Center for German Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.




Convenor of International Conferences
May 2016 Germany and the Refugee Crisis - Opportunities and Challenges, DAAD Center for German Studies, Hebrew University Jerusalem.
January 2018 The Future of the German-French Relations, DAAD Center for German Studies, Hebrew University Jerusalem.
June 2018 Migration and Media (in cooperation with Dr. Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann), DAAD Center for German Studies, Hebrew University Jerusalem.
May 2019 Fake News and Disinformation in/about Europe and the EU, DAAD Center for German Studies, Hebrew University Jerusalem.
November 2019  XXX Migrations to Berlin, in cooperation with CIERA, Paris.
December 2020 Urban World(s) Spaces, People, Ideas, DAAD Centers Conference, Berlin (postponed), Member of Advisory Board.
March 2022 Presentation of the Barometer of the European Forum at the Hebrew University: Israeli's Perceptions of Germany/Europe and German's Perception of Israel.
December 2022 Germany and Europe in the World: Insider and Outsider Perspectives. DAAD Centers Conference, Jerusalem & Haifa, Member of Advisory Board.

Other activities:

Since 1994 Member of the Foreign Press Association in Israel.

Since 2003

Member of the Israeli-European Policy Network (IEPN).

2002-2004 Member of the Board of the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem.
Since 2017 Member of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration.
Since 2019 Member of the German Studies Association.
September 2021 Election Observer Trip for Internation Experts on Germany.
Since 2021 Member of the Interdisciplinary Seminar of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on Migration.
Since 2021 Barometer of the European Forum at the Hebrew University: Surveys on Israeli's Perceptions of Germany/Europe and German and European perceptions of Israel.