Guest Lecture by Dr. Karin Kneissl

Thu, 27/10/201611:00-12:30
Maiersdorf Faculty Club, Room 503

Dr. Karin Kneissl, Journalist, Lecturer & Energy Analyst

Shifting Tides in the Middle East: The European Powers and their Interests

The territorial reshuffling of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire in 1920, notably at the San Remo conference, has made the political map of the region. First pipelines were drawn, and then borders between the new Arab nation states administered as mandates were traced. Since then, geopolitics heavily affects the region.
In her presentation, Karin Kneissl, who is internationally renowned as Middle East and energy expert, will focus on the role of European powers and their interests in the Middle East given an increasing disengagement by the US. She will further discuss whether the EU or particular European governments could fill this vacuum.

Dr. Johannes Strasser, Director, Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv
Prof. Ruth Fine, Director, Center for Austrian Studies