PhD Candidate
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin
Ursula Probst is a PhD student at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology (Freie Universität Berlin) investigating (labour) migration, the social production of bodies, and health in urban settings with a particular focus on the commercialisation of sexuality, intimate labor and the sex industry. Based on ethnographic fieldwork with migrants from Eastern Europe who are/were working in different sectors of the sex industry in Berlin, she is currently analysing the racialised and sexualised dimensions of so-called "Europeanisation" processes and (Eastern) European (non-)belongings as an embodied practice.
Selected publications:
- Probst, Ursula. Forthcoming. Vielschichtige Lebenswelten, komplexe Vulnerabilitäten. Zur Lebens- und Arbeitssituation der Frauen am Straßenstrich im Berliner Kurfürstenkiez. [Multilayered lives, complex vulnerabilities. On the living and working conditions of women doing street based sex work in Berlins Kurfürstenkiez neighborhood] Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung.
- Probst, Ursula. 2015. Von käuflichem Sex, Opfern und Moral – Perspektiven von Sexarbeiterinnen auf Rechte, Sexualität und Professionalisierung im Arbeitsalltag in Berlin. [On commercial sex, victims and morality. Perspectives of sex workers on rights, sexuality and professionalisation in everyday work lives in Berlin] Weißensee Verlag.
- Probst, Ursula. 2015. Support for Sex Workers as Occupational Support? Research For Sex Work 15, 19-22.
- Huschke, Susann, P. Shirlow, D. Schubotz, E. Ward, U. Probst und C. Ní Dhónaill. 2014. Research into Prostitution in Northern Ireland. Research Report.
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