Dr Nasima Selim

13 NS

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin

Nasima Selim holds a doctoral degree in Social and Cultural anthropology from the Freie Universität Berlin. She is a former mental health physician with two master’s degrees, in medical anthropology and public health. Her research and teaching interests include healing across religion and medicine, global health and well-being, affective ecologies, migratory practices, ethnographic theories, methods, and writing. Nasima is a spokesperson of the working group public anthropology and a member of the working group medical anthropology at the German Anthropological Association. She is a lifetime member of the Public Health Association of Bangladesh and a member of the European Association of Social Anthropologists. Nasima is a member of the editorial team of #Witnessing Corona, a collaborative blog-series launched in March 2020.

Selected publications:

  • Selim, Nasima. In press. “Letter from the (Un)Seen Virus: (Post) Humanist Perspectives in Corona Times.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale COVID-19 Forum.
  • Selim, Nasima. Mustafa Abdalla, Lilas Alloulou, Mohamed Alaedden Halli, Seth M. Holmes, Maria Ibiß, Gabi Jaschke, and Johanna Gonçalves Martín. 2018.          “Coming together in the so-called refugee crisis: A collaboration among refugee newcomers, migrants, activists, and anthropologists in Berlin.” Action in Anthropology 25 (3): 34-44.
  • Thomas Stodulka, Nasima Selim, and Dominik Mattes. 2018. “Affective scholarship: Doing anthropology with epistemic emotions.” Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, 46 (4): 519–536.
  • Selim, Nasima. 2015. “Sufi body practices and therapeutic politics in Berlin.” In Gritt Klinkhammer and Eva Tolksdorf, eds. Somatisierung des Religiösen. Empirische Studien zum rezenten religiösen Heilungs -und Therapiemarkt, 237-282. Bremen: Universität Bremen. 

Additional link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nasima_Selim