Assistant Professor
Social Anthropology, University of Bayreuth
Claudia Liebelt’s research foci are in the Anthopology of the Body and the Senses, Political Anthropology, Gender and Sexualities, Care and Intimate Labour, as well as Islam and Secularity. Claudia is especially interested in debates on the biopolitics of beauty, embodied normativities, postsecularism, new materialities, as well as categorizations of race, class and gender, with a regional focus on the Middle East and Northern Africa. As part of a Heisenberg Position at the University of Bayreuth, she is currently conducting research on the "Olfactories of Hygiene," that is, the social configurations of bodily hygiene, smell, and the role of hand sanitizers during the COVID-19 pandemics in Turkey and Germany.
Selected publications:
Forthcoming. Istanbul Appearances: Beauty and the Making of Middle-Class Femininities in Urban Turkey. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
Forthcoming. From Manicurist to Aesthetic Vanguard: the Biopolitics of Beauty and the Changing Role of Beauty Service Work in Turkey. In: Tate, Sh. and E. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez (eds.) Palgrave Handbook on Race and Gender. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Forthcoming, Negotiating “Islamic” Beauty in Turkey, or Conceptualizing the Complex Entanglements Between Beauty and Religion. In: Craig, M. (ed.) Beauty Politics (Routledge Companion Series). London, New York: Routledge.
2019. Aesthetic Citizenship in Istanbul: on manufacturing beauty and negotiating belonging through the body in urban Turkey. Citizenship Studies 23(7): 686–702.
2019. Secular self-fashioning against “Islamization:” aesthetic body modification and female subjectivities among the secular middle class in Istanbul. In: Scheer, M., Fadil, N. and B. Schepelern Johansen (eds). Secular Bodies, Affects and Emotions: European Configurations. Bloomsbury, pp. 109–22.
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