Bat-sheva Hass

7 BH

PhD candidate
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalemבת-שבע-הס-0

Bat-sheva Hass is a PhD candidate at the department of Sociology and Anthropology, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her main focus has been on anthropology of religion, anthropology of conversion, gender and religion. Specifically, her dissertation is an integration between anthropology of conversion, anthropology of religion, the politics of belonging, and politics of identity. The case study she is undertaking is a story of Dutch women who converted to Islam and how they perceive their sense of identity and belonging in their current and former lifestyles. In addition, Bat sheva works as a teaching assistant and teaches introduction to qualitative methodology at the department of sociology and anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Bat sheva also works as the ERC coordinator at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently she coordinates two ERC projects: Digital Values and Mediating the Future: The Social Dynamics of Public Projections- PROFECI. On both projects she is in charge of the budgets, does administrative as well as academic tasks, including quantitative coding etc.

Selected publications:

  • Hass, Bat Sheva. 2020. The Burka Ban - Islamic dress, Freedom and Choice in the Netherlands in light of the 2019 Burka Ban Law, Religions 2020, 11(2), 93-127.
  • Hass, Bat Sheva.; Lutek, H. 2019. Faith and Fashion: Islamic dress and Identity. Religions 2019, 10(6), 359-389.
  • Hass, Bat Sheva; Lutek, H. 2018. The Dutch inside the ‘Moslima’ and the ‘Moslima’ inside the Dutch: Processing the Religious Experience of Muslim Women in The Netherlands. Societies 2018 (4), 8, 123158