Want to expand your knowledge about Europe? To acquire practical skills in building a career in government, public and private institutions? Or develop an academic career in European studies?
The European Forum at the Hebrew University is the place for you!
What makes studying at the European Forum so special?
The European Forum is the only place in Israel that offers separate study programs for advanced degrees (master's degree and PhD) in European studies (in Hebrew) and Contemporary Germany: Politics, Society and Culture (an international program taught in English).
The studies at the Forum include study excursions in Europe, subsidized language courses abroad, and student exchanges (for those interested). Because to understand Europe, you should be there.
The studies at the Forum combine theory and practice and offer master's degree students practical internships in governmental and other institutions that work with European entities. For the internship, you receive 2 credits.
The Forum financially supports its students and grants distinction scholarships and tuition scholarships, subsidies for excursions abroad, and research scholarships.
The Europe Forum is part of an international network of academic centers for European, German, and Austrian studies. Within the network, there are joint courses and excursions, student exchanges, workshops, and conferences (you are invited to take a look, for example, at the photo below, from the annual international meeting of the Austrian Studies Centers held in Leiden, the Netherlands, with the participation of faculty and students from the European Forum. Smiling in pink: our Noga).
We encourage the Forum's students and help them participate in research projects and conferences in Israel and around the world.
The studies at the Forum are delivered by excellent lecturers from Israel and the world, in a multidisciplinary approach.
Thanks to our multidisciplinary approach, no matter what you studied in your bachelor's degree - you are welcome to the European Forum, without supplementary studies (subject to admission conditions, of course).
We don't want to show off, but...
In the satisfaction survey for the year 2021-22, the Program in Contemporary Germany Studies was ranked 1st in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Program in European Studies was ranked 5th out of 32 programs!
How to Apply
The annual international convention of the Centers for Austrian Studies 2022, Leiden, the Netherlands, with the participation of faculty and students from the European Forum at the Hebrew University