IWM | Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen

The European Forum at the Hebrew University and the IWM jointly award six-month Junior Visiting Fellowships to PhD candidates in the humanities or social sciences.

The Junior Visiting Fellow of the academic year 2016/17 will be invited to spend a six-month term between October 2016 and September 2017 at the IWM in Vienna to pursue a research project while working in residence at the Institute as a member of the international, multidisciplinary scholarly community. The fellows will receive a stipend in the amount of € 11,000 to cover accommodation, living expenses, travel, health insurance and incidentals during the stay at the Institute. Furthermore, the IWM will provide an office, access to the Internet, in-house research facilities and other relevant sources in Vienna. In addition, the IWM will offer lunch five days a week.
If the fellow chosen is not a student of the European Forums’s teaching programs, his department should co-sponsor 25% of the stipend (€ 2,750).

Candidates for the fellowships

  • must currently pursue a doctoral degree in the humanities or social sciences at the Hebrew University,

  • their research topic must be broadly related to one of the IWM’s main research fields,

  • must not be older than 35 years.

The application should be submitted electronically and in 5 hard copies and should contain the following documents:

  1. the Application Form

  2. a concise research proposal in English (max. 4 pages, double spaced, A4)

  3. a curriculum vitae

  4. two references (scholars familiar with the applicant’s academic work)

Deadline for Application:
The deadline for application was April 17, 2016. The next call will be announced in due time.

Applications should be submitted to:
The Center of Austrian Studies
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mount Scopus Campus
9190501 Jerusalem

E-mail: cas@savion.huji.ac.il
Tel: +972-2-5881969
Fax: +972-2-5881079